Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Worst trends from 90's!!!

Okay, most of us remembers the '90 for grunge music, nike airmax and thin eyebrows.
Some trends were good, but which trends should NEVER EVER come back again?

1. The "fountain" hairstyle

This hairstyle was really popular during '90s. No one knows why. But I'm sure that you have at least one picture with this hairstyle from that period. It's just.. Bad.

2. Dark lip liner & light lipstick

Let's face it. Everybody's mom wore this. I don't know why was this so damn popular, it looks plain ugly. They even put it on Bratz dolls!

3. Blue eyeshadow and bright lipstick

I 'member. All of us 'members this awful trend from '90s that lasted for years! 
I can't believe that this was a thing back then. Personally, I'd never wear this, not even dead! 

4. Thin round eyebrows

I mean, it's ok the fact that they were thin. But they were round people! Rarely you could find another shape, but.. This... Omg. Never again!

5. Brown lipstick

When I see someone wearing brown lipstick, only one question comes up to my mind: "Have you eat sh!t?". I mean, come on, it's just logical. Do not like. 

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Recept za domaću toplu čokoladu :)

100 g crne čokolade za kuvanje po želji (crna ili bela)
100 ml hladnog mleka
100 g mlevenog keksa
Šlag po želji.

U manju šerpicu nasuti 3/4 vode, i metalnu činicu sa izdrobljenom čokoladom preko / tzv. kuvanje na pari. Vodu pustiti da proključa i mešati čokoladu dok se skroz ne istopi. Kada se čokolada istopi, dodavati mleko postepeno i mešati sve vreme da se smesa sjedini.
Kada se smesa sjedini i postane tečna, u šolju sipati mleveni keks. Kada se sipa keks, kašikom polako prebacivati čokoladu u šolju. Posle sve to izmešati i dodati šlag od gore.   :)